Indoor Hygiene Guidelines will be presented in the 4th Global Ministerial Patient Safety Summit

Dr. Riika Mäkinen from IHMEC project will give a presentation about the unique Finnish Indoor Hygiene Guidelines at the 4th Global Ministerial Patient Safety Summit. The summit is held 2-3 March 2019 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Mäkinen’s speech is part of the Summit’s scientific programme and it will explain the scietific background behind the Indoor Hygiene Guidelines. With indoor hygiene solutions it is possible to improve significantly the infection prevention in public spaces, such as hospitals.

Forum Wood Building Baltic 27.2.-1.3.2019 Tallinn, Estonia

Indoor Hygiene Training Seminar 15.-17.4.2019 Helsinki, Finland

Seminar Programme

Indoor Hygiene Seminar Programme (.pdf)

In addition:


Registration 17.00-17.45 at the hotel

18.00 Sightseeing Tour and Dinner


Transport to the airport for those who leave today

Indoor Hygiene Seminar 9.4.2019 Uppsala, Sweden

IHMEC project is organising an Indoor Hygiene Seminar in Uppsala 9.4.2019. The seminar is open for companies interested in joining the IHMEC cluster to open sales in Saudi Arabia. The IHMEC cluster is offering tailor made indoor hygiene solutions for planning, building and furnishing indoor hygiene spaces.

Place: Radisson Blu Hotel Uppsala, Stationsgatan 4, 753 40 Uppsala


13.00 Opening words and introduction to the IHMEC Project

Pao Kao, PhD, Project Coordinator, Uppsala University
Tiina Mäkitalo-Keinonen, IHMEC Project Manager, University of Turku

13.15 Guidelines for hygiene in indoor environments

Dr. Riika Mäkinen, Indoor Hygiene Specialist, Senior Researcher,
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences

14.00 Coffee

14.30 Hygiene in indoor environment – Spatial planning, Cleaning and Maintenance

Marko Kukka, Indoor Environment Specialist, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences

15.00 Doing business in Saudi Arabia

Ibrahim Almafdali, Internationalization Expert, Researcher, University of Turku

15.30 Discussion

16.00 Closing of the seminar

For more information and registration, pls contact Pao Kao,


IHMEC Indoor Hygiene Seminar Uppsala (pdf)

IHMEC is taking part in Arab Health 2019 fair in Dubai

IHMEC Indoor Hygiene Solutions are introduced in Arab Health 2019 in Dubai, 28.-31.January.

We are at the Finland Pavillion is in Zabeel 1 –hall, stand Z1.B50

Come and meet us! You can see the concept of Indoor Hygiene presented in a 3-D animation, and talk with our experts.


Indoor Hygiene Solutions were introduced in the news in Finland

The Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE reported about the unique indoor hygienene knowledge that IHMEC represents in Finland. IHMEC Project Manager Tiina-Mäkitalo-Keinonen was interviewed together with two of IHMEC cluster companies, LED Taylor Innova7ions and ISKU Interior.The news clip is in Finnish


Export to the KSA workshop 20.11.2018 Tallinn

Time: Tuesday 20.11.2018, at 10.00–18.00
Place: Energia Avastuskeskus, Põhja pst 29, 10415 Tallinn, Estonia


10.00 Registration and coffee

10.15 Let’s get to know each other: a short company introduction – who we are, what we can off er
individually and together?
10.45 Questions and answers
11.15 Insights from Saudi trip
Indoor hygiene training for KSA stakeholders in Finland with site visits to Estonia as a next step

12.45 Lunch

13.30 How to proceed with export efforts?
Confirmed: Arab Health 28–31 Jan 2019 , Dubai
What else?

15:15 Coffee
15.30 Model space – how to proceed? Renovation and/or modular solutions
Samples for the modular products:
– Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation module
– Maintenance Centre for persons with limited physicalabilities (baths, washing facilities, etc.)
– Eye Clinic
– SynLab like module, see, i.e. lab and advisory services for testing blood,
urine, etc.
17:00 Coff ee
17.15 Scientific evidence and product testing
17.45 Sum up and next steps
Coffee, tea and little snacks are available all day

Pls register to Tiina Mäkitalo-Keinonen
Tel. +358 50 577 3042


IHMEC team visited the Swedish Embassy

This morning our team had a meeting at the Embassy of Sweden in Riyadh. We met Mr Markus Lundgren, First Secretary, and Ms Linnéa Strand from Business Sweden. We are currently working on forming our Swedish company cluster, and the support from the Embassy is highly valuated. We are looking forward to a fruitful co-operation.

From the left: Kaarel Lehtsalu, Linnéa Strand, Markus Lundgren, Kimmo Laakso, Marko Kukka And Ibrahim Alzahrani.

Visit to the Finnish Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

IHMEC team met the Finnish ambassor to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr Antti Rytövuori on 14th October 2018. The visit was part of the project team’s programme while they are in Riyadh this week, negotiating with possible co-operating partners in Saudi Arabia.

The support from the Embassy of Finland is vital in creating the network in Saudi. Thank you for our host for having us!

From the left: Ferdinand Roc (Business Finland), Mariikka Whiteman, Riika Mäkinen, Marko Vinni, Kimmo Laakso, Sirpa Sandelin, the Ambassador Antti Rytövuori, Marko Kukka, Tiina Mäkitalo-Keinonen, Kaarel Lehtsalu and Ibrahim Alzahrani

Indoor Hygiene Seminar, Tartu

Indoor Hygiene Seminar will be arranged on Tuesday 18.9.2018, at 10.00–16.00, at Hotel London by Tartuhotels, Rüütli 9, Tartu


10.00 – 12.00 Excursion to Welement
The bus leaves in front of the Hotel London at 10.00

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Opening words and introduction to the IHMEC Project
Kaarel Lehtsalu, Tartu Business Advisory Service
Tiina Mäkitalo-Keinonen, IHMEC Project Manager, University of Turku

13.15 Estonian construction and woodhouse sectors
Kaarel Lehtsalu, Tartu Business Advisory Service
Lauri Kivil, Estonian Woodhouse Associati on

14.00 Indoor Hygiene Guidelines
Riika Mäkinen, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences

14.30 Coffee

15.00 HygTech Alliance, an international breakthrough
Anne Laitinen, Director, Health, Isku Interior and HygTech Alliance Leader

15.30 Doing Business in Saudi Arabia
Ibrahim Almafdali, University of Turku

16.00 Discussion and closing of the seminar


For more information pls contact
Marko Vinni,

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