08/06/2021 in News
IHMEC project is organising an Indoor Hygiene Seminar in Uppsala 9.4.2019. The seminar is open for companies interested in joining the IHMEC cluster to open sales in Saudi Arabia. The IHMEC cluster is offering tailor made indoor hygiene solutions for planning, building and furnishing indoor hygiene spaces.
Place: Radisson Blu Hotel Uppsala, Stationsgatan 4, 753 40 Uppsala
13.00 Opening words and introduction to the IHMEC Project
Pao Kao, PhD, Project Coordinator, Uppsala University
Tiina Mäkitalo-Keinonen, IHMEC Project Manager, University of Turku
13.15 Guidelines for hygiene in indoor environments
Dr. Riika Mäkinen, Indoor Hygiene Specialist, Senior Researcher,
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
14.00 Coffee
14.30 Hygiene in indoor environment – Spatial planning, Cleaning and Maintenance
Marko Kukka, Indoor Environment Specialist, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
15.00 Doing business in Saudi Arabia
Ibrahim Almafdali, Internationalization Expert, Researcher, University of Turku
15.30 Discussion
16.00 Closing of the seminar
For more information and registration, pls contact Pao Kao, pao.kao@fek.uu.se
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